Zevoli Growth Partners Success Story

Zevoli Growth Partners’ Evolution into a Marketing-Driven Force: A Stardust Global Success Story

At the forefront of fostering supplier diversity and socio-economic growth in South Africa, Zevoli Growth Partners has emerged as a beacon for Enterprise and Supplier Development. 

“We seek to improve the livelihoods of people, alleviate poverty, and stimulate economic participation by creating access to opportunities and bridging the gap between small and micro businesses and their markets,” says Managing Director Mpopi Khupe. 

However, despite their dedication to unlocking tangible commercial growth and success in both rural and peri-urban areas, they encountered their own business challenges due to a lack of brand visibility strategy when it came to developing business and fostering partnerships.

Initially, Zevoli Growth Partners grew opportunistically without prioritising marketing. Mpopi Khupe, recalls their reliance on word-of-mouth and leveraging their existing networks for business development. Their website needed to be updated, their online presence was sporadic, and client engagement was based on ad hoc relationship building.

The Turning Point

Recognising the need for a new approach, Zevoli Growth Partners decided to engage Stardust Global, with Brigitta Long as a Fractional CMO to bring strategy, creativity, and execution to their marketing and strategic partnership initiatives. The transformation began with establishing the brand’s online and offline presence, and crafting tangible and accessible knowledge-sharing initiatives. Within less than a year, Zevoli Growth Partners evolved into a recognised industry leader in their field.

“Brigitta’s impact was undeniable, though initially intimidating”, recalls Mpopi. “She patiently guided Zevoli Growth Partners, and pushed us beyond our comfort zone. The strategy, the urgency to become a thought leader, and our marketing campaigns became palpable very quickly.” 

The Shift to a Marketing-led Organisation

For Mpopi, becoming marketing-led meant a shift in focus. The time allocated to marketing strategy, PR, and communications significantly increased, reflecting an investment in building credibility and legitimacy. The ROI was tangible, showcasing improved brand perception and increased demand for strategic partnerships and client engagements.

Marketing ensures that Zevoli Growth Partners, as well as Mpopi as a thought leader, will be mentioned, even if they are not physically present at a given time. “Marketing is the whisperer that enters spaces on your behalf, creating a distinct impression about who you are and how you show up without you saying a word. Opportunities open up that previously wouldn’t have come your way without you having to be there.”

“The results”, she adds, “Could be as simple as the CEO being invited to participate as a speaker at a networking opportunity or industry event, or Zevoli Growth Partners being put on the table as a credible alternative to other more recognisable service providers”.

Lessons for Fellow CEOs

The journey had its challenges—acknowledging the necessary spend needed for marketing, managing expectations for immediate results, and grappling with the intricacies of content creation. Mpopi’s tips for other CEOs embarking on a similar journey are simple yet profound: trust the process, drop your defences, and surround oneself with experts in the field.

Mpopi’s paramount lesson was separating her personal identity from the company’s persona. “I realised: I am not Zevoli Growth Partners; I am the CEO”, Mpopi explains. This understanding marked another profound shift. “The separation between personal and organisational identity allowed the company to forge its own path and flourish, to make its own mistakes, and eventually, find its own distinct voice in the world.” 

Transformative Outcomes

Zevoli Growth Partners witnessed remarkable growth—both in revenue and employee count. The transition to a marketing-led approach propelled them forward, achieving a 19% revenue growth and 11% employee headcount increase from 2021 to 2023. 

Becoming a marketing-driven organisation has influenced Zevoli Growth Partners clients and strategic partners positively. The number of clients and partnerships has also surged, Mpopi has seen that credibility is a magnet for partnerships, indicating a newfound resonance in the market. 

Zevoli Growth Partners’ journey showcases the power of embracing change. By stepping up their marketing, they not only rebranded their identity; they redefined their influence and took a strategic approach to business development which has amplified their impact on MSMEs, entrepreneurs, and the broader communities in which they work.

Stardust Global’s services: 

Over the course of the first year, Zevoli Growth Partners benefited from the following marketing initiatives:

  • Monitoring industry trends, researching competitor’s activities, developing market insights
  • Developing PR, marketing, content, and communications strategies 
  • Overseeing the respective strategy activities
  • Managing digital, event, PR, and other marketing agencies 
  • Measuring and reporting marketing campaign performance, assessing ROI, and 
  • Supporting the implementation of innovative and partner-driven growth strategies. 

Success Metrics:  

After engaging Stardust Global’s fractional CMO services, Zevoli Growth Partners reported the following successes between 2022 and 2023:

  • growth in number of new clients                        25% 
  • revenue growth                                                      19%
  • job creation (employee headcount increase)   11%


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